Delivering insightful advice Building on a foundation of trust

The UBS Institutional Consulting Group of Philadelphia Kenneth G. Catanella, Stephanie N. Cohan, Jeanette Reeves

The UBS Institutional Consulting Group of Philadelphia


800-523-4144 ext. 6908




UBS Financial Services Inc.
1735 Market Street
35th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Welcome CDI Corporation 401k Participants and Employees

The UBS Institutional Consulting Group of Philadelphia is pleased to introduce a menu of financial planning services exclusively for the CDI 401k participants and employees.

The UBS Institutional Consulting Group is made up of 41 Institutional Consultants in 23 offices nationwide. The Group's Philadelphia UBS Institutional Consulting office has been providing investment-consulting services to the CDI Corporation 401K and retirement plans since 1993.

Working with CDI Corporation and your Putnam 401k plan provider, CDI 401k participants andemployees may request financial planning questionnaires and customized analyses at no cost or obligation in six key areas of personal financial planning:

  • Portfolio Review Analysis
  • Education Funding Analysis
  • Retirement Funding Analysis
  • Estate Planning Strategies
  • Rollover/Distribution Analysis

Once you select an area of interest, simply print the questionnaire, answer all the questions and send it to the address provided. A personal analysis will then be sent to you. We look forward to working with you and helping you develop a personalized investment plan.


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