Delivering insightful advice Building on a foundation of trust

Stone-Segal Wealth Management Group Brett C. Stone, Greg Segal, Anna Christenson, Tom Behnfield, Nancy Fawzy Rezek

Stone-Segal Wealth Management Group






UBS Financial Services Inc.
4600 S. Ulster St., Ste 700
Metro Point One
Denver, CO 80237

In today's economy, good financial advice is critical. That’s why it’s important to work with a team of dedicated Financial Advisors committed to listening to you, understanding your concerns and helping you make sure all aspects of your financial life are aligned. We strive to provide advice tailored to your individual circumstances and all you'd like your wealth to achieve.

Talk to us about how we can help you embrace your financial future with confidence.

Brett Stone and Gregory Segal have been recognized as industry leaders

  • Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors, 2019


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