Insightful advice Delivered through ongoing collaboration

UBS Institutional Consulting - Atlanta W. Earle Dodd III, J. Allen Wright, Van G. Price, Scott Carlton Olsen, Raymond Eugene Vuicich Jr., Kristi M. Thelen, William Austin Dodd, Ryan C. Cox

From left to right:
Van Price, Ray Vuicich, Scott Olsen, Allen Wright, Kristi Thelen, Earle Dodd, Austin Dodd and Harris Gignilliat

UBS Institutional Consulting - Atlanta






Two Alliance Center
3560 Lenox Road NE
28th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30326

Your organization has many responsibilities—to shareholders, employees and their families. Today, successfully meeting those responsibilities has become more complex.

We offer guidance from an experienced and dedicated consulting team that leverages the vast resources and strong financial backing of a powerful global financial leader. Talk to us about how we can help support you in your fiduciary role.

UBS Institutional Consulting Atlanta has been recognized as industry leaders.

  • Barron's Top Institutional Consultants, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Ranked #1 on Barron's Top Institutional Consultants 2018, 2019
  • Our professional delegations MBA, CIMA, CFP, AWMA, CRPS, FPQP
  • Average Tenure of 27 years between 8 consultants


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