Delivering insightful advice Building on a foundation of trust

Vaudreuil Wealth Management Thomas W. Vaudreuil, John Thomas Vaudreuil, Jessica Cripps, Jana Isabella Vaudreuil

Vaudreuil Wealth Management






8500 Normandale Lake Blvd.
Suite 210
Bloomington, MN 55437

With over 90 years of combined experience, the Vaudreuil team is dedicated to steering our clients through today's market uncertainty with practical, relevant and forward thinking advice. Beyond just weathering market downturns, we believe in turning that volatility into potential opportunities. With the right balance of careful planning and confident action, we have the courage and wisdom to help you avoid missteps.

Our team of wealth management specialists delivers exceptional client service and tailored financial planning with a personal touch. Through relevant strategies and our global capabilities, we provide comprehensive services that include wealth transfer planning, investment management, and lending solutions. We approach every client as an individual, but for every client our end goal is the same: financial confidence.


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