Delivering insightful advice Building on a foundation of trust

Executive Wealth Consulting Group Jeffrey S. Hunter, Debbie Fanning, James Skinner, Beck Douglass Johnson, Jacqueline E. Reese, Alanna A. Cuizon-Jittayasotorn, Brandon Nie

Executive Wealth Consulting Group






UBS Financial Services Inc.
2000 Avenue of the Stars
7th Floor North
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Though our clients often choose us for our comprehensive wealth management experience, we look beyond the tactical guidance and take a much more expansive view of our role. We commit to understanding you, your family, business and personal priorities, as well as your total financial picture. With our rich tradition of advising the most accomplished individuals, we are not only well-positioned to provide highly specialized guidance, but to also directly access and execute solutions with ease and efficiency so you can leave a purposeful legacy.


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