Financial professionals dedicated to helping the families of the fallen

The Peacekeepers Group Harrison H. Buxton, William K. Zorr

The Peacekeepers Group




2 Union Plaza
New London, CT 06320

Thirty years ago, 241 brave American servicemen were killed and countless more were injured in Beirut, Lebanon while serving on a peacekeeping mission to protect their country and the world. This brutal act of terrorism was the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II.

You are the living legacy of those heroic peacekeepers.

We have established the Peacekeepers Group to help you and your family plan for the potential change in your financial circumstances. We understand that this may be a life-changing event and it may feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here. To help you make sense of the decisions you face, to help you understand the process, to put a plan in place and to set you up with clear, helpful financial guidance you can count on for the long term.


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