Life, on your terms Financial planning for the retirement you want

Eckert Wealth Management Group






8 Wright Street
3rd Floor
Westport, CT 06880

Retirement may be a milestone you're looking forward to but getting there takes planning. And the closer you get to retirement age, the more important your planning strategy becomes. Because it's possible you may live 30 years or more in retirement, you can't rely solely on your company pension plan or social security to provide the funding you'll need. Remember, the sooner you begin, the more prepared you will be.

For over 35 years, Chris Eckert and his team have worked closely with successful individuals and their families, helping them plan for the future and pursue their retirement vision. They have benefited from Chris' clear understanding of what retirement really means – transitioning from a lifetime of hard work, providing for family and planning for a reliable income stream that enables them to do the things they finally have time to do.


“The key to a stress-free retirement is knowing how much income you can safely withdraw from your portfolio each year and not run out of money.”

— Christopher Eckert


What is your retirement vision?

Retirees face many opportunities and challenges. Optimistically, many individuals and families see retirement as an opportunity to do everything that they never had time to do while working. However, many families also have to confront the loss of purpose and social connections that working provides.

Questions to consider:

  • Do you or your loved one have an ideal retirement age?
  • Do you prefer sudden retirement or a gradual transition from full-time to part-time work?
  • Where would you like to live?
  • How would you like to spend your time?

As investors approach retirement, it’s important to have a goals-based plan in place. Since only 40% of investors have a retirement plan, it’s not surprising that so many investors are apprehensive about their decision to retire.

How much will you need to retire comfortably?

Retirement can be tricky, especially if you are between the ages of 50 to 70 when some many factors can be out of your control. The reality is:

  • You don’t know how long you’ll live but it will probably be much longer than people from your grandparent’s generation.
  • That means you could end up helping out your parents—they’re living longer too.
  • Healthcare may become a challenge to pay for, just when you’ll need it the most.
  • And of course, your nest egg can depend to a great degree on how the markets perform.

Let us help you get closer to the retirement that you want, even with so many factors out of your control.

Do you have a retirement income gap?

Outliving your assets is a huge investor concern and today’s volatile markets could be adding to the anxiety. Theoretically a retirement portfolio needs to last at least 30 years in retirement. Will yours?

Do you know:

  • The income you’ll need in retirement to maintain your desired standard of living?
  • The sustainable withdrawal rate from your current investment portfolio?
  • If you’ll need to work longer, save more or change how you invest to meet your retirement goals?

Retirement is only one part of your larger life story

What about education? Your plans for a new home or boat? Collecting and giving back? Once we help you get closer to what you’ll need when you retire, we’ll turn our attention to your bigger picture.

Two UBS tools that can help:

  • My Total Picture – See all your accounts – at UBS and those you may have at other firms - in one place. That will give us broader insight into your finances as we help you plan for your future.
  • Financial Goal Analysis –Once we have a clearer picture of your overall wealth, we can work on a comprehensive plan to help you pursue your financial goals. It’s like a having a roadmap to your future.


Building an investment plan

Building an investment plan

Planning for the lifestyle you want

Planning for the lifestyle you want